Our services
Dutch Renewergy facilitates you in the realization of cost-effective solutions for sustainable solar energy.
What can we support you with?
We support owners of both commercial and public buildings in achieving their sustainability goals. One form of sustainable business is generating (solar) energy. This can be done on your own roof, without you having to invest in a solar energy system yourself.
Wij dragen zorg voor het ontwikkelen, financieren, plaatsen, exploiteren, verzekeren en onderhouden van de PV-installatie (zonne-energiesysteem). De installatie wordt voor de looptijd van de SDE++ subsidie (15 jaar) door ons op basis van een ESCo geëxploiteerd. Wij dragen zorg voor het goed functioneren en het onderhoud van de installatie gedurende de looptijd. U hoeft zelf dus niet te investeren in de PV-installatie. De huur voor het gebruik van de PV-installatie gedurende de looptijd betaalt u (gebruiker van de locatie) voor een groot gedeelte met de energiebesparing. U neemt immers minder grijze stroom af, omdat de PV-installatie groene stroom opwekt.
To make it easy for you, we arrange the entire process from A to Z. So that you can soon enjoy the sun carefree! So you have nothing to worry about.
Generating solar energy with SDE++ subsidy
Companies and institutions that want to produce renewable energy with solar panels can take advantage of the Sustainable Energy Production Incentives (SDE++) subsidy scheme. The SDE++ subsidy was created because the cost price of renewable energy is higher than that of gray energy.
With the SDE++ subsidy, the Ministry of Economic Affairs stimulates the development of renewable energy in the Netherlands. The SDE++ subsidy reimburses part of the difference in cost price between sustainable energy (green power) and gray energy (gray power) over a period of 15 years. The amount of the subsidy therefore depends, among other things, on the annual amount of sustainable energy produced and the base price for gray energy.
Applying for and being awarded SDE++ subsidies
Dutch Renewergy kan namens u (gebouweigenaar) SDE++ subsidie aanvragen. Als de subsidie wordt toegekend kunnen we vervolgens ook zorg dragen voor het ontwikkelen, financieren, plaatsen, exploiteren, verzekeren en onderhouden van de PV-installatie.
The installation is operated by us on an ESCo basis for the term of the SDE++ subsidy (15 years). We take care of the proper functioning and maintenance of the installation during the term. You therefore do not need to invest in the PV installation yourself. You (user of the location) pay a large part of the rent for the use of the PV installation during the term with the energy savings. After all, you purchase less gray power because the PV installation generates power.
Have you applied for and been awarded SDE++ subsidy, but have not yet used it to realize a PV installation (solar energy system)? Dutch Renewergy can help you develop, finance, install, operate, insure and maintain a PV installation.
The installation is operated by us on an ESCo basis for the term of the SDE++ subsidy (15 years). We take care of the proper functioning and maintenance of the installation during the term. So you do not have to invest in the PV installation yourself. You (user of the location) pay a large part of the rent for the use of the PV installation during the term with the energy savings. After all, you purchase less gray power because the PV installation generates power.
We have a lot of experience in applying for SDE++ subsidies. Do you have any questions about this? Then please contact us. We will be happy to help you. You can also visit the website of RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland).
Dutch Renewergy facilitates you in the realization of cost-effective solutions for sustainable solar energy.
Generating solar energy without SDE++ subsidy
Sometimes it is possible to develop a positive business case for the realization and operation of a PV installation without using the SDE++ subsidy. This can be done, for example, by attracting green financing. We are happy to help you carry out a feasibility study and make a business case to explore the possibilities together with you.
A product warranty on all materials applies throughout the term (15 years). The solar panels are covered by a 97.5% performance guarantee in year 1, decreasing linearly to 80.7% after year 25. There is also a Performance Ratio warranty data of 5 years.
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